How Innercircle Works:
As an Innercircle member, you will join a group of other Innercirclers with similar interests and challenges. Together, you'll have meetings, learn tools, and work together to navigate your path to healing.
Get Matched to Your Group
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Membership Includes:
60-Minute Weekly Sessions
Anonymous, private and secure.
Licensed therapist teach evidence based tools to better your mental health.
Personalized Support
Intimate, private groups led by licensed therapists, specifically matched to support your mental health journey.
Access to All of Innerworld
200+ weekly mental health events, 24/7 access to trained mental health Guardians, in-app journaling and more.
Meet Weekly for 80-Minute Sessions
Live sessions will take place in the Innerworld App. Join via desktop, iOS, Android, or Meta Quest VR headset. Each session will be with the same therapist and group each week so you can build stronger relationships and receive deeper help. Feel free to share only when you're comfortable. Just listening is always an acceptable option.
Stay Connected to the Broader Community
Your Innercircle Subscription will get you access to all of Innerworld, including:
• 200+ Virtual Events per week
• 24/7 mental health Guardians
• Fun in-app features, like journaling, games, and broomstick flying
reported improvement on scientifically validated clinical measures
Start Feeling Better Today
Your subscription includes:
Available wherever you are
Innerworld is on mobile devices, tablets, and Meta Quest VR headsets.
Keep comfort in community
Feel at home with people who get you in a stigma-free space.
Save 70% compared to traditional therapy
Therapy can cost $100-$200 per session. You can talk to a therapist in Innerworld for just $20 a session.
Joining the Community Is Easy
Take Our Quiz
Attend an Event!
Download the App
Meet the Innercircle Therapists
Beth's background is in mental health, therapeutic parenting and leadership. She holds a B.A. degree in Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology from Antioch College, and a Master of Social Work degree from The Ohio State University.
Avalie has a BA in Psychology and Criminology from the University of Florida St. Petersburg and a Masters of Social Work from NYU. She struggles with social anxiety and has always understood the value and comfort of community and friends made online.
How Innerworld Works
You're not alone anymore.
Experience the warmth of community and attend weekly therapist-led skills groups.
Innerworld provided a sanctuary where I could connect with others who truly understand the depths of my experience.
– Andrew
The people in this community are incredibly welcoming and supportive.
– Craigs
– Andy
© 2024 Innerworld. All rights reserved.
NOTE: Though we teach and use the principles of CBT, Innerworld is not a form of therapy. Our guides are certified and vetted through our training program, but they are not licensed therapists or psychiatrists. Our goal is to offer help and guidance for mental health challenges through a virtual, supportive community.
Begin your mental health journey in Innerworld with unlimited access to life-changing tools, events, and community.
Just Launched:
Reintroducing Innerworld Teen
We've teamed up with the Inspiring Children Foundation to give thousands of teens free access to tools, guidance, and more for a full year.